Tips for completing the game Hitman 2. Passing game #107

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Poison in Chongqing - where is it?

On this page of the Hitman 3 game guide, you will learn where to find vomit rat poison and a jar of deadly poison pill during the End of an Era quest in Chongqing, China.

Poisoning with food or drink is one of the preferred methods of eliminating the target or inducing regurgitation. In the Chongqing area of China, you can also throw deadly poison into the ventilation system. In Chongqing, you will find three doses of rat vomit poison that will make the target sick, and a jar of deadly poison pills that instantly destroys the target.

Emetic rat poison

You can find the first Rat Poison at the beginning of the End Of An Era mission, during the plot of the Certain Principle mission. When you enter the main street, enter the restaurant and find the toilet (point 42 on the map). The poison is on the stool in the place shown in the image above.

The second emetic rat poison is very easy to obtain. Just go to the laundry room (point 29 on the map) and enter the small service room on the left. The poison can be found on the counter on the right.

The third vomit rat poison can be found in the homeless shelter from the plot of the Impulse Control mission. Before entering the building, it's a good idea to put on the appropriate disguise: a homeless man's rags or a laboratory assistant's suit (they work in the building). You will receive the appropriate disguise in one of the alleys, where you will begin the aforementioned story quest. Wait in the place shown in the image above until the conversation between the homeless is over.

When a man passes by your place, sneak up from behind and disable him. Make sure that you are not noticed by people in the tunnel. Change into his clothes. Drag the man's body to the other side of the street and hide it in a container. Now walking between cars doesn't attract anyone.

When you are called, go to the military enlistment office and sit in an armchair. The woman will inform you that the job application has been completed and will offer to fill out an information form. Wait until the woman approaches the board, then exit through the open window to the right of where you were sitting.

Next, you will find another open window - use it to enter the room behind the screen and bypass the camera. Enter the bathroom. You will find rat poison in the place marked in the image above (point 47 on the map).

Disguised as a laboratory employee, you will have to distract the guard standing in the waiting room, but you do not need to avoid the camera.

A jar of deadly poison pills

You can find a jar with a deadly poison pill in a homeless shelter that is associated with the Impulse Control storyline. オンライン カジノに参加して、 新規カジノ 入金不要ボーナス を手に入れてプレイを始めましょう。自分の資金を入金することなく、スロット、ルーレット、テーブル ゲームなどの幅広いゲームを見つけてください。運を試して、寛大なボーナスでリアルマネーを勝ち取りましょう。私たちのカジノは、興奮と経済的なリスクを冒さずに大金を獲得する機会を求めている人にとって理想的な場所です。